Read all about our Digital Skills Project

Community Digital (ICT) Skills Project


We are leaders for providing ICT skills to the community in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. This project was started in 1996 as a hands-on project for the local business’s, women and Saturday Supplementary students. Learners were given the opportunity to gain RSA CLAIT (Computer Literacy & Information Technology) qualification. Initially, the project started with 6 stand alone workstations. The project was so popular that at its peak we had three network rooms with forty workstations. Apart from CLAIT qualifications the network rooms were used to provide qualification in hospitality, food safety, Health & Safety at work, First Aid training and local Primary schools parents/students group training. Our network suites were used by local community groups, GLLaB, Ravensbourne college and various RBG departments for training. At one time, we were popularly known as the alternate training providers in the Royal Borough. We ran ICT sessions at the Abbey Wood school for parents and Laptop training for the RBG Adult Learning Department. Many members gained Industry recognised eDCC certificates at three different levels (Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced) in Ms Office packages such as Word, Excel, Publisher and Powerpoint.


Our present ICT suite was opened by the leader of RBG Cllr Cllr Denise Hyland for the residents of the Royal Borough. Initially, the project was funded by the A4All grant. Thanks to L&Q (London & Quadrant) grant, we kept the continuity of this project with ten network stations and one station for tutor plus colour laser and Inkjet printer. We offer eDCC qualifications at three levels in Ms Office back office packages. We are shifting our focus to train members on digital skills and offer our members training in social media and open source packages. To summarise we have been offering Digital (ICT) skills training for well over quarter of a century.

Digital (ICT) Skills Project

We wish to record our grateful thanks to the L&Q Foundation for supporting us since the year 2007 in our endeavour to spread Computer literacy in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Needless to say, the present project is also supported by the L&Q Foundation. We have successfully delivered several innovative projects for the community from Beginners to Advanced level courses, Back Office Projects, Graphic Projects, use of Laptops, use of Social media and the list is endless. Apart from delivering projects L&Q used our centre to launch their 'Families into Training' project to support our flexible skills learning programme. The two-year project comprised of three components - ICT, Work related training and Textiles. To browse through project fotos please see our Staff page or click the link button below.

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User comments

About Community ICT Skills Project

"I joined myself for few lessons and was delighted to learn new skills. The tutors are very helpful and do the skill audit then teach according to the requirement. I fully support the project as it's a great opportunity to learn in own safe environment. Thank you." 

"Excellent tutor, very kind and helpful. Please continue this project. I find it very useful".

"I have learnt a lot within a very short span of time. Janette is very good at explaining new topics. I feel very confident in the use of computers. I hope this project will continue".

"This computer project is very useful for the community particularly for old people like me. Please have some more computers as many of my friends wish to join the course".

"The good thing about the tutor is that she understands our level of knowledge and explains. We feel very comfortable to ask questions. She helped me to set the email. I send emails to my family in India and Canada".

"Thanks to all for starting this project. Please keep up with your good work and continue both Computer & Sewing projects".